Uniting leaders, talking innovation!

September 18, 2024
Aula Magna, University Politehnica of Bucharest

Main partners

Why participate


Valuable Content

Experience Zone

An event hosted by industry experts


We couldn't run the event without the support of our fantastic partners

Main partners

Sun partners

Moon partners

Zen partners

Where will the event take place?

  • Aula Magna is located on Splaiul IndependenÅ£ei, no 313, Sector 6, Bucharest
  • The conference room, which can accommodate up to 1000 people is situated on the first floor within the University Campus.
  • The event is designed exclusively offline, with physical participation.

What the speakers of past editions think about eCommerce Talks

Vlad MarincaÈ™
CEO& coFounder Aqurate
Our team enjoyed participating in the Commerce Talks conference, organized by our partner, easySales. The event provided valuable insights and connections for Aqurate's development and we look forward to future collaborations.
Daniel Nicolae
coFounder Innoship
For us, the experience as partners of the eCommerce Talks 2022 event was a valuable one. It was the first event through which we formalized the most important step taken by Innoship towards the position of leader in delivery management solutions in the region, by announcing the partnership with Alsendo. The quality of the content and organization helped us strengthen relationships with the partners and customers present at the event. Additionally, the increased awareness of our solution among potential customers facilitated their conversion. We thank the easySales team for their involvement. We will definitely see each other at the next editions!

Watch some of the highlights from the previous event

Feel the vibe and don't miss the next event!